Have you thought about how to manage your school’s energy price increase?

Lots of suppliers are not taking on any new customers, so the options are limited for anyone coming out of a contract.

With energy costs so volatile it can be difficult for your school to obtain savings. Though, we do benchmark prices regularly to ensure value for money and can put together a strategy on energy to ride through these turbulent times.

The first step is doing everything you can to mitigate risk in the mid- to long-term (when contracts are due to expire). The biggest question at the moment is whether to go for fixed or flexible purchasing. You can do this by evaluating different approaches as part of your energy management strategy – we can help and support you with that. 

We can also support your energy strategy by being your single point of contact for contract management and customer services. We can arrange access to specially negotiated contracts not available to the wider market, and track contract renewals.

There’s no hidden commissions or charges, everything is transparent. We can also validate your bills (VAT, invoices, estimates checked) to ensure you are only paying for what your school uses.

Get in touch with EB for further energy advice and support for quotes.