Suitable for any area of spend, category or requirement.


From ‘identification of need’ through to ‘contract award’. We draft tender documentation, specification and supplier evaluation methodology. We then undertake market engagement and facilitate all supplier evaluations.

We work with you to understand the school’s requirements, including: the scope of the project, the budget, the timeline, and any specific qualifications or experience required of potential suppliers.

How it works

Pre-procurement is the first step in the process. We would identify the goods or services that are required. This may involve conducting market research and engaging with stakeholders to understand their needs and preferences. Then consult with the school around specification. We will then issue  documents and guides and solicit any TUPE and asset information from incumbent suppliers (if relevant).

We would prepare the bid documents, which would include the request for proposal (RFP) or invitation to tender (ITT), along with any other necessary documentation such as the terms and conditions of the contract and the evaluation criteria.

We would issue the bid documents to the potential suppliers and answer any questions they may have.

Once the bids have been received, we would evaluate them against the evaluation criteria specified in the bid documents. This may involve a review of the suppliers’ pricing.

We would then work with the school and the selected supplier to negotiate the contract terms and conditions. This may involve some back-and-forth to reach an agreement that is acceptable to both parties.

Once the contract has been negotiated, we would help the school to award the contract to the selected supplier.

Your next steps

Your key contact:

Victoria Lawson - Education Business Manager

Victoria Lawson

Education Business Manager

Victoria has a passion for helping MATs and schools achieve their goals of cost savings and compliance.

Start your tender with us

Your first step to get support with your tender is to fill out the form below. We will get back in touch with you to arrange a video call to explain more and answer any questions you have.

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