What do HR professionals do in schools?

What do HR professionals do in Schools?

Human resources within a school initially acts as it would within any organisation. The department exists to improve the skills and knowledge of the people within. 

While this is important, the HR department would also be responsible for helping teachers, heads and other business-related staff – extending their impact throughout the school.

If a school’s HR department is helping their teachers stay motivated, that will lead to them performing better in the classroom. This, in turn leads to the students getting a better learning experience.

One of the most difficult tasks HR professionals undertake is hiring and retaining staff. Managing teachers’ expectations and dealing with their pay effectively can lead to a school retaining valuable teachers.

The full list of tasks is as follows:

  • Recruitment and Hiring
  • Talent Management
  • Compensation
  • Performance Management
  • Training and Development
  • Retention

Does HR take care of Payroll?

One answer to, what do HR professionals do in schools, is typically, HR will take care of payroll. Payroll takes up a lot of time and requires complete accuracy when filling out. Inaccuracy can lead to legal trouble.

Letting your HR system take care of the important details frees up your HR department’s time and resource, allowing them to allocate more resources into benefitting staff and students.


Due to the software’s flexibility, you can source as little or as much as you need from the HR and Payroll service: from a Strategic HR advisor to a payroll bureau, to a fully outsourced HR and payroll function and everything in-between.

What is a DPS?


Through using a DPS, schools can make use of the technology to find the perfect suppliers and contracts. This eliminates the need for a school to make these efforts in-house as they have outsourced to another expert.

What do HR professionals do in schools?

How can HR & Payroll services help your school?

HR and Payroll play a vital role in ensuring efficiency, compliance, and staff empowerment. All crucial in helping any school, MAT, college or university. There are specific ways in which an educational establishment can procure them, including the use of a framework or DPS. If that all feels too vague currently, let us help ease that feeling.


The DPS, which stands for Dynamic Purchasing System, is a procurement tool for a contract of works. While it has similarities to a framework, it must run completely electronically.

The DPS agreement is flexible enough to enable you to quickly secure excellent services, using a set of tested and approved templates and documents. 

We have support from both local and national suppliers: our DPS agreement is split into 12 distinct geographical lots. With suppliers in each lot, we can ensure healthy competition and the best prices.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Ready-made templates and procurement documents with step-by-step instructions.
  • Public sector compliant solutions with pre-vetted suppliers to ensure faster award processing.
  • Electronic tender process fully supported by the Education Buying team.
  • Quick and easy to use process with an estimated 4 – 6 weeks’ timeline to award of tender.


As part of the solution, we review and publish a school’s tender documents via our e-procurement portal.  The bid submissions are then provided to them for evaluation. Giving organisations the ability to work together to save money all while saving their time in process.

If you would like a more in depth and extended timeline for how our DPS and Framework can help, look below:

Contracts can be tricky, especially so when it comes to schools and multi-academy trusts. Contracting authorities are a big part of the complexity, however, we are here to help.

Does the Contracting Authority have to be a school or a MAT?

Essentially, the contracting authority can be any public body. The regulations leave the definition of the term “contracting authority” vague. Typically, the best approach would be to consider whether they are funded by public money.

The prevailing belief is that only public bodies can be a contracting authority. This is because they are the only authority that can be legally challenged under procurement law. Allowing private bodies to create public procurement contracts and not be held accountable if they were not done in accordance with the law would be unethical.


This is how Education Buying can deliver compliant solutions for your HR and Payroll and help you understand, what do HR professionals do in schools. We work with schools (in the case of this DPS, The Painsley Catholic Academy is the Contracting Authority) for schools on our behalf.  

Regarding how this fits into our HR and Payroll service is the fact that the contract in question is a DPS. New suppliers can be added at anytime, allowing your existing supplier to be included in your procurement activity. 

As we have already mentioned, the DPS is split into regional areas. This means that only suppliers in your area will respond to your opportunity. Also, due to the agreement being compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 act, we remove the need for you to carry out a full tender process. 

The HR Services and Payroll agreement is split into the following service-based lots: 

To Conclude

We hope that this has answered the question of, “What do HR professionals do in schools?”. 

HR and Payroll services can help schools greatly.

  • They offer streamlined working methods that can benefit your HR department.
  • They take the difficulties out of demanding pinpoint accuracy through our payroll services.
  • They allow your pupils to develop quicker from the fact that your HR department can focus their resources towards teachers.
  • Perform lengthy processes quickly and efficiently.

Want to use our HR and Payroll Software?

Would you feel that our HR and Payroll DPS would benefit you? Or would you be interested in seeing any of our other DPS and Frameworks?

Whatever it may be, sign up for free today and we will get in touch straight away!